NURA Community

The social network for people with Long COVID, ME/CFS & related conditions

Welcome to NURA Community

We are a social network, digital community platform and educational portal for people with under-served, underfunded conditions like Long COVID, ME/CFS, POTS, MCAS and fibromyalgia.

Connect with others who get it, join support groups, attend events on a broad range of topics and discover a wealth of crowd-sourced health tips and management tools. We're a chronic illness community you can trust, committed to building a safe, supportive space for our members. 

You can sign up to NURA Community either through your web browser, or by downloading the Mighty Networks app via the Apple app store or Google Play, and searching for NURA Community.

Why join NURA Community?

When you join today, you'll get access to:
  • A supportive community of people with Long COVID and ME/CFS. Join a range of themed community spaces to see relevant content and talk about what matters most to you. Talk about your challenges, reach out for advice, post an article, or just have a vent with people who'll understand. See who's local to you, as well as connect with members from all over the world.
  • Fortnightly Zoom support sessions. Attend our virtual support groups and talk to others facing similar issues. These are relaxed sessions you can join from anywhere to share what's on your mind - or just have a friendly chat. But there's never any pressure to say anything, and you can even just listen in.
  • Guest speakers. We organise a variety of guest speaker events, carefully curated to provide helpful insights to community members. Examples of recent events include "finding fulfilment while living with fatigue" and "what we know about Long COVID and autoimmunity".
  • A wealth of resources and information. Explore high-quality educational content that we've collated, and access useful health and support resources.
  • The NURA Dispatch newsletter. Get access to our fortnightly newsletter on all things Long COVID and ME/CFS, including latest research updates, relatable member stories, community highlights and other valuable snippets.
...and much more, coming soon. 

NURA Community welcomes people aged 18 and over to join.

Before you join us, we kindly ask that you read our community Code of Conduct. Your signup indicates your agreement to abide by these rules, as well as your confirmation of being aged 18 or above.